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Famous Expressionist Artists

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Expressionist artists are an important part of modern art. These artists, who were born in Northern Europe around the start of the 20th centuries, used abstraction to paint the world using distorted, subjective perspectives. They can often cause the world to be distorted in order to express emotions or evoke moods or ideas. Listed below are some of the most famous expressionists and their work. Find out more about these expressionist artists to understand the meaning behind their art.

German expressionists

Kathe Köhlwitz, a German expressionist painter, was one of the most well-known practitioners. Kollwitz was a Russian citizen who was born and raised in Kaliningrad. Her self-portraits as well as paintings of working-class people and women depicted social and political issues at the time. Her work sought out to express universal human experiences. After abandoning painting, she shifted to printmaking in 1890. This was mainly in lithography, woodcut and etching.

Wassily Kandinsky (Franz Marc) and Paul Klee were the prominent members of The Blue Rider, the German Expressionist group. The name comes from Kandinsky's painting The Last Judgment. The abstract nature of Kandinsky's painting was too abstract. Kandinsky used the symbolic reference in Kandinsky’s painting to replace it. Although influenced greatly by his predecessors, Kandinsky sought to express today's mood.

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French expressionists

In the early 20th-century, the French expressionist movement emerged. Henri Matisse was one of its most prominent participants. Expressionists like Raoul Dufy (andre derain) and Paul Gauguin later influenced this style. Their works include stained glass, landscapes, and other art.

Fauvism is the first true expressionist movement. However, it would not have occurred without the advent of photography, which liberated painting as a popular means of depicting reality. Fauvism was in a sense a spin-off from Van Gogh's style. It is characterised by bold colours and wild impasto brushstrokes. In general, the Fauvist movement focuses on depicting the inner world through the eyes of a psyche.

Dutch expressionists

The early 20th-century saw the birth of Dutch expressionist artists. Their work was marked by the use of heightened emotion, as they interpreted new subject matter and art language. Dresden was overcrowded when they reached their peak. This city was seen by expressionists as a microcosm or new modern life. It pulsated with people, trolleycars, and atomized machine.

Rembrandt was also a prominent expressionist painter. He often traveled to new areas in search of places to paint. He smoked heavily and had a very poor diet. His mental problems led to mental breakdown. He famously cut off his left ear in1888. Despite his illness, however, he continued painting even as he was receiving treatment at a St. Paul Asylum. His work was inspired by the harsh beauty and simplicity of the local landscapes.

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American expressionists

Many people may not be aware that there were several important female American Expressionist artists during the 1940s and 1950s. Though the sentimentality of the women's art was widely criticised, it was in fact a reflection of their lives. Although women artists in the movement aren't as well known as their male counterparts the importance of their work is equal to that of the men. American Expressionists didn't just embrace social issues.

Abstract Expressionism was a broad art movement that exploded in the United States during the 1940s and 1950s. This was the dominant style of Western art in this period. Jackson Pollock (Willem de Kooning), Franz Kline, Mark Rothko, and Franz Kline were all part of it. Joan Mitchell (Clyfford Still), Helen Frankenthaler; Robert Motherwell; Lee Krasner; Ad Reinhardt; Bradley Walker Tomlin and Jack Tworkov were other notable American expressionists. Most of the abstract expressionist painters hailed from New York.


How did pop culture develop?

Technology drove the development of popular culture. It developed with the rise of mobile technology. The invention of the radio made mass communication possible. This made it possible to create television, which was then used to develop the internet.

Computers were first used at home by people who became familiar with computer games. These games were first played on consoles such as the Nintendo Wii or Sony Playstation 3. These games can be downloaded online for free. Many youngsters now choose to play videogames over watching TV.

Video games are very popular with children and teenagers. These games can be played by one person or with others via the internet. Call Of Duty or Grand Theft Auto can be very violent. These games can cause serious harm to children, so parents should be concerned about their children. Others find it interesting to see what happens if a character dies.

Music videos are another way in which pop culture influences youth. They provide information about celebrities and current trends. Young people enjoy watching them. Music plays an important part in our lives, there's no question about that!

Special effects are used to enhance songs in music videos. Rappers often use makeup and hair wigs to enhance their looks. Others put themselves through extreme physical demands to show off their bodies. Many singers are able to sing while wearing costumes.

Today there is so much music to choose from. You can listen whatever music you want. However, this isn’t always good news. Music can be a motivator for violence. People are often angry when they hear certain songs or words. Sometimes they even commit crime.

This happened recently with rapper 50 Cent. The line from his song Get Rich Or Die Trying is "I'm going down a motherfucker / I don’t know why, but I might." Someone heard this song and thought it meant that he was going to kill someone. A man threatened to kill him, and called him. So 50 Cent changed the lyrics. It now says, "I'll shoot one bitch down/ I don’t know why, but I just might."

Popular culture is essential. We need to be able to see how it affects our lives. If we don’t know how it affects our lives, we won’t have the ability to protect ourselves from its negative consequences.

What is pop media?

Pop culture is all around us. Pop culture is everywhere you go: radio, television, film, music and magazines. It surrounds us all day. It influences everything from our clothes, food, music, language, politics, and religion. So what exactly is pop culture? Wikipedia says that popular culture, or popular culture, refers only to ideas and products designed to be mass-produced in society. Many believe this applies to entertainment such as movies, TV, music and fashion. However, there is much more to pop culture than just entertainment. The term covers everything consumed by the masses. It includes video games, sports and toys, fast food, political campaigns, and many more.

What are some examples from pop culture in 2020?

The music business is changing rapidly. In fact, this year we saw Billie Eilish (Post Malone) and Travis Scott reach number 1 in Billboard's Hot 100 chart. This was a record-breaking feat for any artist.

The same goes for streaming services. Spotify reported that they streamed 10 billion hours of audio content in the last year. That's around 5 times what users were listening to just five years ago!

This has led to a massive shift in how people consume media. The majority of people now spend their time reading content, rather than creating it.

All age groups have easy access to high-quality audio content. Anyone can now record, edit, remix, and publish their music.

To play your favorite song you don't have a degree in classical music theory. Download an app, add your voice, then upload them to YouTube.

Don't worry if your not interested in making music. You can always watch other people do it. You will find many channels dedicated to creating videos of songs from covers to parodies.

Who first coined the term Pop Music

Frank Zappa invented it. Pop music was the name he used to describe his music.

He stated that he wanted to create music that appealed to everyone. He called his music "pop music".

Zappa also created the phrase "You know it's POP when..." which means that something is really popular if many people enjoy it. Michael Jackson's Thriller is one example of the greatest-selling albums.

Zappa's definitions of pop music are different than the current. Pop music is today all music. However, in the past, only certain genres of music were considered to be pop.

What is the origin of pop music?

It was accidental. It was an accident. Someone accidentally knocked the piano over as they were playing around on New Years Eve in 1920.

The recording company liked what it heard and decided that the single would be released.

This was the first hit single.

Pop music has been the most popular form today of musical entertainment.

What is popular music culture?

Popular music culture is a dynamic phenomenon that can take many forms.

The popular music culture is defined by the use of certain musical styles (e.g., jazz, rock) as well as lyrics. It also includes visual media, like television, fashion, advertising and film, that have an impact on the careers of artists and public perception.

It's also about the way fans interact with their favorite artists.

One element of popular music culture is the emergence of "superstars" - artists who have achieved fame and fortune for themselves.

These superstars often transcend genres and become cultural icons, and their popularity has influenced the evolution of popular music itself.

Other aspects of popular music culture include:

* The rise of recording technology -- from acoustic instruments and electric guitars to microphones and microphones.

* The invention of the record player and the radio;

* The birth of rock'n roll.

* The introductions of film and television;

* The birth of MTV/VH1;

* The creation and use of the internet.

What are examples of pop culture today?

Pop Culture refers to the art form of 21st century. It encompasses all forms of popular entertainment, from music, film, TV, video games, fashion, advertising, comics, etc. This term was created by Neil Postman, author of Amusing Ourselves and Death (1985). Pop refers to mass communication that uses formulaic and cheap tricks to create an illusion or spontaneity.

However, he said that most people don’t enjoy true enjoyment because their culture has conditioned them to want media experiences that make it seem superior to others. He also said that this kind of cultural expression contributed to the decline of critical thinking skills in young adults.

Pop culture is sometimes also called popular culture, consumerism, or pop culture.


  • Less than a decade later, that statistic rose to 90% (Dager, n.d.). (socialsci.libretexts.org)
  • In 1987, US films captured 56% of the European film market. (socialsci.libretexts.org)
  • For example, the term hater meaning someone who strongly undermines or criticizes others, often due to pathetic jealousy, likely emerged from hip hop culture, such as the term playa hateras, used by influential rapper Biggie Smalls as early as 1995. (simplicable.com)
  • According to Dictionary.com, popular culture, or low culture as it is sometimes referred to is comprised of the “cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people” (7/21/19). (socialsci.libretexts.org)
  • Recently, the market share across Western Europe has ranged from 60-75% (Hopewell, 2013). (socialsci.libretexts.org)

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Social media is a fad?

Social media have become part and parcel of our cultural identity. They have become an integral part in our society. They are more than just a way to connect people.

We share personal information via Facebook, follow celebrities through Twitter, watch videos online, upload them all to YouTube, take photos and then post them to Instagram. These platforms can be used for self-expression as well as to communicate with other people. And while this may seem trivial initially, there are many implications when you think about how we interact with each other using these channels.

For example, if your celebrity status means that you need to inform everyone about what you had for breakfast. This can have a negative impact on your mood and affect the way you feel throughout the day. You'll need to spread your message if you are a politician.

You need to know what posts go viral in order to duplicate them if your business is online.

This is where social media becomes pop culture. Due to the sheer number of users, people tend not to gravitate towards specific topics due to their large numbers. The most common ones include:

Celebrities - People love to talk about their favorite celebrities. People like to discuss the latest events surrounding their lives, whether it's gossip or news.

Events – Fans are often excited by events such as concerts and sporting events. Many people share photos, videos, and updates regarding these events.

Products & Services – Products & services are always in high demand. Customers are always looking for new ways to improve the quality of their lives and are willing spend money on the best solutions.

Social media users also share content that doesn't necessarily relate to the categories above. This includes things such as:

Travel - People enjoy sharing their experiences while traveling. From the best places to visit tips on staying safe overseas, travelers always look for new opportunities.

Fashion - Fashion was one of recent industries that has grown in importance. Social media has been used by brands to promote their products or services. They have created campaigns that encourage people to showcase their outfits.

Sports - Sports is another popular topic. Fans are passionate for their sports teams, players as well coaches.

Technology is constantly evolving and people love to learn about the latest innovations.

Pop culture can be defined as anything that generates excitement. You need to be able to identify the various types of content shared on social media, regardless of whether you are selling sneakers, cars, watches, flowers, or other products.

There are several ways that you can tap into this market. You can begin by joining relevant Reddit communities on Quora or LinkedIn. By participating in discussions and answering questions, as well as posting articles and engaging in conversations with other members, you can increase your exposure and reach potential customers.

Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest allow you to create your own social media accounts. These websites let you meet others with similar interests.

Also, you should consider paying advertising on platforms such Instagram and Facebook. You can target specific audiences based on their age, gender or location.

Social media marketing is an effective way to reach audiences that would otherwise not see your messages. It's important that you remember that even if something is popular, it doesn't guarantee it will convert well. Because they don't spend enough time studying each platform, many brands miss significant business opportunities.


Famous Expressionist Artists